Thursday, March 5, 2009

Last twig on the branch

Ok. So for those of you who are waiting for the end to my last cliff hanger. Here it is. My car emission test went fine. It took them down to the last possible second to finish before I had to go pick up Eli from school. I understand though because he had to have a smoke break! I mean really, I can't expect him to skip that. Plus I think he forgot to do his morning exercises because at one point I spotted him doing push ups on the railing to the stairs. This poor guy was working so hard he then had to stop to get a drink. So what was quoted to me as a 20 minute wait actually took 45. But really this poor guy had so much to do. Smoke, exercise ,(because he wants to be healthy.) have some drinks, check out the car his buddy was working on, Catch up on everything with his buddy. But lucky for me he was able to do all this and his own job in time for me to pick up Eli. Yay! Oh but no glowing reports about how great my van was, or no free test. :(

O.k. now to my official post. Yes as most of you have heard we are finally sprouting the last twig on our branch of the family tree. For those of you who are slower than others (you know who you are) We are expecting what is most likely our last child. Due Oct. 10th. I always knew there would be another but I was too selfish to get it done earlier, now it is biting me in the butt. There will only be a small 6 year gap between Eli and this one. It is like starting all over. The plus side is the kids are so excited and I know all three will be wonderful helps. So there you have it folks, a blog with a little bit of meat to it!