So after a very long pregnancy and trying delivery, she is finally here. Emeree came Oct. 3rd at 7:37 am. She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces, which makes her our smallest, 19 inches. We ended up going in Friday night with labor. So I was lucky enough to go through some labor too. (that was sarcasm) So turns out she was transverse which means she was positioned like she was laying down. So she had some difficult time coming out. They ended up cutting a t shape incision as opposed to the normal vertical incision. I also lost 3 times as much blood as an average c section. Emeree didn't want to breath at first either. So needless to say we had a fun time getting her here. Aside from the harder recovery, she is a perfect angle. She hardly ever cries and she sleeps very well so far. She only wakes up 1 or 2 times a night. She is a perfect little addition to our family, and as you can see by the pics- She is loved by her bothers and sister.
She is so tiny, sweet, and adorable!!! I love the picture of all of them together...so cute! Also, I am do happy to see it on your blog...I have been waiting for it!!! :-) Glad she's here and you are adjusting!
Congratulations on your new little girl! I love her name and she is so beautiful. Loved the picture of all your kids together. They have grown up so much and are so darling. Wish we were closer so we could come see all of you. Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly...and that Emeree continues to be a good, sleepy baby.
Love you,
That is so sweet! The picture of all 4 kids! How fun for them to have a baby sister! She's sooo cute! I'm glad everything worked out and y'all are doing okay.
OHHHH!!! I cannot WAIT to get my hands that cutie patootie! So glad you're all well and happy. xoxoxo
She is soooooo cute! Love the pictures. Hate to hear about you having a hard pregnancy & hard delivery! Very glad that she is here & perfect! She is beautiful!
Congrats! What a beautiful little girl. I wish I was there to hang out and hold that sweet baby girl. Take care and enjoy...those cute babies grow so fast.
Mason was a good sleeper from the beginning too, and still rarely cries. Hip Hip hooray for happy healthy babies!!! I hope all is going well. Get lots of rest! Love you!!
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